Site icon French Books on India

1650 – 1659

Page updated/mise à jour le 21 octobre 2020

MARUCCI, Giovanni, Relation de ce qui s’est passé dans les Inde Orientales en ses trois provinces de Goa, de Malabar, du Japon, de la Chine et autres pais. Par les pere de las compagnie de Iesus, Paris: Cramoisy et Cramoisy, 1651, 126 pp.
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This book is a description of the various religious missions in India and the Far East. The Indian Missions include Mogor, Sirinigar, Canara, Salfette, various isles adjacent to Goa, as well as around Goa, Malabar, Cranganor, Cochin, Colam, Travancore, Parauas, Maduré, Tricipilipali, Ceilan plus others on the way to Malacca and Batavia and then Japan and China.

PHILIPPUS, Voyage d’Orient du R. P. Philippe de la tres-saincte Trinité carme deschaussé ou il descrit les divers succez de son voyage, plusieurs religions d’Orient, leurs montagnes, leurs mers & leurs fleuves, la chronologie des princes qui y ont dominé, leurs habitans tant chrestiens qu’infideles. …traduit du latin par un religieux du mesme ordre, Lyon: Iullieron, 1652, 640 pp.
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This book describes the travels to the Inde Oriental. The description of India starts in Chapter 13 (pp. 114-146). Subsequent chapters describe the coast of India including Cochin, Surrat and particularly Goa. There are subsequent chapters on l’Ocean Oriental de Indes, le Ganges et l’Indus. There are some chapters on “Roys” and “Roys des Indes Orientales”, notably Chapter 17 (p. 252). Other chapters discuss the Portuguese and Christians in Inde and on p. 328, there is a chapter on “des Mahometans Indiens”. Further chapters describe the animals, fish and trees of Inde. Towards the end of the book there are chapters on the missions in Inde and les terres du Grand Mogor. The chapters referring to India are interspersed with chapters from other eastern areas such as Syria and Persia.

LA BOULLAYE LE GOUZ, François de, Les Voyages et observations où sont décrites les religions, gourvernemens et situations des Estats et royaumes d’Italie, Grèce, Natolie, Syrie, Palestine, Karaménie, Kaldée, Assyrie, Grand Mogol, Bijapour, Indes orientales des Portugais, Arabie, Egypte, Hollande, Grande-Bretagne, Irlande, Dannemak, Pologne, isles et autres lieux d’Europe, Asie et Afrique, où il a séjourné, le tout enrichi de figures, Paris: Clousier, 1653, 540 pp.
Google Books, 564 pp.

This Google Books link is for an edition printed by Gervais Clousier in 1653. The book is in 3 volumes. The text indicates that the voyage started from Paris, although it is not clear when, and proceeded via Rome, Turkey and eventually Persia and Ormous. They then sailed from Perse to Guserat (p. 120) and then Sourat. There is discussion of the court of the Grand Mogol, as well as religion and the citizens of Inde which includes a description of the caste system. There are a number of illustrations of the people of Inde. The voyage went from Sourat to Goa via Bombain. There is much discussion of the Portuguese in Inde. The voyage continued from Goa to Rajapour. There are chapters dedicated to the animals and plants of Inde. On 1 Mars 1649 they embarked on an English vessel to Souali and Congue (p. 268) and Bassara and then went via the Middle East again for the return to Europe.

CHAULMER, Charles. Le tableau de l’Asie. Paris: Guillaume De Luynes, 1654, 570pp.
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The reference and URL is for the same book as listed in Goldsmith, but a different printer, which is listed in the BL main catalogue. The first articles of this book relate to the eastern mediteranean and then continues in an easterly direction to Perse and then Inde Orientale, Article XII, 259p. This article is divided into sections; Section I, Du Royaume de Cambaye, 266p; Section II, Du Royaume de Narsingua, 270p; Section III, Du Pais de Malabar, 272p etc continuing with Orixa, Bengala, Pegu and Siam, 278p. Des Estats du Grand Mogol, 283p, is followed by the Royaumes of Sinde, 289p; Agra, 290p; Lahor ou Multon, 291p; Delly, 292p; Caximir, 293p; Kabul, 294p; Puttans, 295p. The list of Royaumes continues and reaches Bisnagar, 304p; Canara, 307p; Choromandel, 311p; Tanaior, 315p; Madure, 317p and Manar, 321p. The description of Chine and other countries further east commences on 323p.

DU REFUGE, Eustache. Mihi et Musis. Géographie historique, universelle et particulière: avec un traité de la préséance du Roy de France contre celuy d’Espagne. Paris: Gervais Clousier, 1658, 632pp.
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This book has sections on the continents and their countries. The first section is on Asie, 6p, with Pegu and Bengala on 20-21p and Inde 24-31p, “La coste du continent que est par de la le Gange” which includes Indostan, Orissa, Narsinga, Bisnagar, Malabar, Cochin, Goa, Guzarate, Cananor, Decan, Mogor etc. There then follows the Isles de la Coste.

LE BLANC, Vincent, Les Voyages fameux du sieur Vincent Le Blanc, marseillois, qu’il a faits depuis l’aage [sic] de douze ans iusques à soixante, aux quatre parties du monde : à scavoir aux Indes orientales & occidentales, en Perse & Pegu ; aux royaumes de Fez, de Maroc, & de Guinée, & dans toute l’Afrique interieure, depuis le cap de Bonne Esperance iusques en Alexandrie, par les terres de Monomotapa, du Preste Iean & de l’Egypte ; aux isles de la Mediterranée, & aux principales prouinces de l’Europe, &c., Paris: Clousier, 1658, 460 pp.
Google Books

There are a number of editions of this book in the British Library dating from between 1648-1658. The Google Books link and description is for the 1658 edition. The book is divided into 3 parts without continuous page numbering: Part 1 – The East (p. 212); Part 2 – Africa (p. 136); and Part 3 – The West (p. 112).
This book is a tale of the voyages of the author from the age of 12 to 60! It is not clear if the travels were real or imagined, however there are many references to Inde in Part 1 of the book mainly from Chapters 14-22 (pp. 45-98). These references relate to Malabar, Deli, Goa, Baticala, Decan, Cananor, Calicut, Cochin, Bisnagar, Meliapur, Coromandel and Bangal.

DUVAL, Pierre. L’A,B,C, du monde, pour trouver sur les Cartes géographiques par le moien des degrés, tous les pays .Seconde edition. Paris: Gervais Clousier, 1659, 444pp.
Google Books

This is a list of towns, cities and chateaux etc of the world which are arranged in alphabetical order. Many of the places in Inde are listed with their approximate location, e.g. Goa, Surate, Delly, Mangalor, Malabar, Cochim, Coromandel, Manacor, Visapor etc plus many more. There are only 2 to 3 lines of text per place.

JESUITS, Relation des missions des pères de la Compagnie de Jesus, dans les Indes Orientales. Où l’on verra l’estat de la religion Chrestienne, & plusieurs belles curiositez de ces contrées. Dressée par un pere de la mesme compagnie. Paris: Henault, 1659, 248 pp.
Google Books

The first part of this book is the voyage of Jesuits priests on board 4 vessels which left Lisbon on 22 March 1655 for the Far East via Goa. The voyage was eventful and they reached Goa on 20 August 1655 (p. 69). The next 2 chapters (Chapters 6 and 7) concern their stay in Goa (pp. 69-86). Chapter 8 is about the odd things seen on the voyage and Chapter 9 is the tale of some missionaries going overland via Syria and the middle east and ending up in Surate (p. 108) before voyaging to Goa in October 1654. Chapters 10 (p. 110) to 13 are about the missionaries arriving in Goa and what they found there. Chapter 14 (p. 139) is about the missionaries leaving Goa for Macao in November 1654. Chapters 15 to 19 are news of the missions in Macao and China. Chapter 20 (p. 204) is about the voyage of the French priest François Clement to China in 1657 and what he learnt in Goa.


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